Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bihar Institute of Innovative Governance (BiIG)

BiIG will be the think tank which will revolutionise education in Bihar.

Education in Bihar

What is required is a profitable business model which delivers quality mass education using latest technology. The model should cater for profitability for the service provider.
The content must be top of the line.
The service provider must make reasonable profit.
The learner MUST also earn while she learns.
This will require three agencies :
1. The education delivery agency : contribution content (top down) and effective delivery.
2. Data delivery agency (learner): contribution of relevant clean data (bottom up).
3. Institute of Innovative Governance : A think tank which will Add Value to the data procured from the learner, convert it into knowledge and market the knowledge product for a predefined monetory gain.
A closed loop : Education provided must empower the learner besides other content, capacity to generate/ gather predefined data with potential economic value which is converted into knowledge by the BiIG and sold for a profit, preferably by entrepreneurs created by the system.
This profit is shared among all the interested parties. Everybody WINs.
What needs to be done is the formation of BiIG and it developing the said business model....
Any positive ideas are welcome.